About imageAbout image
The College of International Radio Broadcasting was established on February 6th, 1990, by former Radio Antilles Announcer, Jeff Neil, to provide professional training to those interested in the exciting field of radio & television announcing. Jeff is a veteran radio & television broadcaster with over twenty-six years announcer/producer experience with big market radio & television stations in North America and the Caribbean. Jeff is also the Co-founder of MIX 96.9 FM radio.Our students have come from many different countries making us truly international.  So far, we have had students from 16 different countries:

* Australia....................* India
* Barbados...................* Jamaica
* Belarus......................* Martinique
* Brazil.........................* Scotland
* Canada......................* Saint Lucia
* Cuba..........................* Saint Vincent
* England.....................* Trinidad & Tobago
* Guyana......................* United States

We have also served students from a wide variety of religious persuasions:

* Adventists...................* Hindus
* Baptists.......................* Methodists
* Catholics.....................* Moravians
* Church of God.............* Muslims
* Episcopals...................* Pentecostals
* Evangelicals.............

We welcome any and everyone.